Our Approach
Why You Should Choose Miller Children’s & Women's

✔ Miller Children’s & Women's is the only free-standing children’s hospital in California, and only the 11th children’s hospital in the nation, to receive the Disease Specific Certification in Pediatric Asthma from The Joint Commission. This achievement denotes the highest honor for quality and excellence in patient care for children with asthma.
✔ The Long Beach Alliance for Children with Asthma (LBACA) is a community coalition – part of Miller Children’s & Women's – that is dedicated to improving the lives of children with asthma in the greater Long Beach area. LBACA works directly with families in their home and at their school to help them manage their child’s asthma. LBACA uses a team approach, which involves parents, child, doctor, school, after-school program, childcare, coaches and anyone that spends time caring for the child.
✔ The pediatric pulmonary function laboratory at Miller Children’s & Women's is one of the few laboratories dedicated to the evaluation and testing of children with lung disorders. The laboratory houses an impulse oscillometry system (IOS system), which allows for early diagnosis of asthma in children as young as 3 years of age.
✔ Miller Children’s & Women's has three certified asthma educators who help patients and families understand their condition and learn to control their asthma, so they can live a healthy and active life.

Team Approach
The only way to fight pediatric pulmonary & immunology diseases is as a team. Miller Children’s & Women's uses a team approach to treat CF. The team includes specialists, the patient and their family. Many of the care team members have dedicated their careers to treating and improving the lives of children and young adults with CF.
In addition, a pediatric pulmonary fellowship program trains new physicians in leading-edge techniques while encouraging them to perform creative research to further the knowledge available to treat CF patients.
Education is a key component to pediatric care. Each interaction with a patient and family is considered a teaching moment. The goal of the program is to have knowledgeable, engaged patients and families who see the importance of their role on the team.
Parents are taught to be advocates for their children and open and honest communication is always encouraged.